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Data Curator App

The data ingress process uses the Data Curator App (DCA), which is a web-based metadata upload application. It allows you as a data contributor to easily annotate, validate and submit your metadata. You can use the app to generate an empty metadata template, or to update existing metadata.

Sage Bionetworks hosts DCA for its collaborators. DCA is an R Shiny app that serves as the frontend to the schematic Python package.

What do you need to get started?

Begin by browsing Synapse and accessing its most basic level of functionality. You will need to register for a Synapse account and then certify your account as an initial step. In doing so, you will be agreeing to the Synapse Code of Conduct and Synapse Terms and Conditions of Use.

It is recommended that you review Synapse documentation on Data Access Types and Sharing Settings, Permissions, and Conditions for Use prior to uploading files to Synapse. If you have any questions or are unsure if your resources can be openly shared, please contact the MC2 Center for assistance.

Please note: your Synapse Project is configured to mark uploaded resources as “Private” until changed by you or another user with access to your Synapse Project.

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